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韩国釜山国立大学商学院信息系统副教授牟健:Understanding Consumer Behavior in Social Commerce: A Meta-Analytic Approach

发布者: [发表时间]:2021-04-21 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


演讲主题:Understanding Consumer Behavior in Social Commerce: A Meta-Analytic Approach

主 讲 人:牟   健,韩国釜山国立大学商学院信息系统副教授

主 持 人:杨彦武,管理学院管理科学与信息管理系教授


网络直播平台:腾讯会议,会议ID:316 884 371


牟健博士现为韩国釜山国立大学商学院信息系统副教授。2015年毕业于南非金山大学获得信息系统博士学位。毕业后随即在韩国成均馆大学交互科学系从事博士后科研工作,参与韩国BK21 plus科研项目;于2017年9月到12月为伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的访问学者,2019年6月份起为加拿大渥太华大学管理学院博士后。其主要科研领域为互联网用户行为研究,电子商务研究,社交媒体,电子健康医疗研究,人机交互行为研究,以及信息系统和信息管理相关的研究。目前为国际SSCI期刊Electronic Commerce Research 的副主编(associate editor), SSCI期刊Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 副主编,SSCI期刊Behavior and Information Technology 副主编,SSCI期刊Information Technology and People高级编辑,以及SSCI 期刊Journal of Global Information Technology Management和Information Technology for Development客座编辑,其参与并主持多个国际信息系统和电子商务领域的学术会议。其共发表SSCI/SCIE论文40余篇。


Social commerce being a relatively new research topic, there are inconsistencies in the published research findings with regards to consumer behavior in social commerce. Through a meta-analytic study, we explored consumer behavior in social commerce, compared different theoretical frameworks, tested the moderators among variables, examined the effect of multidimensional trust on consumers’ social commerce behavior, and tested the effect of the factors derived from consumer behavioral theories on consumer decision-making stages. We found all the variables from TAM, TRA/TPB, UTAUT, and the IS Success model to be important in motivating consumer behaviour in commerce. Furthermore, we found the variables from the IS Success model to be less strongly correlated with social commerce behavior than the variables from other theories. In contrast, the variables from UTAUT are more strongly correlated with social commerce behavior. We found interpersonal trust to be more strongly correlated with social commerce behavior (r+=0.497) compared with organizational trust (r+=0.411). More importantly, we found the difference to be statistically significant (Z=-3.838).