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发布者:编辑 [发表时间]:2018-07-01 [来源]: [浏览次数]:




武汉大学珞珈特聘教授,信息系统与电子商务系主任,武汉大学电子商务研究与发展中心主任。入选中组部青年拔尖人才支持计划。兼任湖北省电子商务学会秘书长、Data and Information Management英文期刊的学科编辑。












1. Jiang Wu, Panhao Ma, Karen Xie. In sharing economy we trust: The effects of host attributes on short-term rental purchases. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2017, 29(9).

2. Jiang Wu, Minne Zeng, Karen Xie. Chinese travelers’behavioral intentions toward room sharing platforms: The influence of motivations, perceived trust, and past experience. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2017, 29(9).

3.吴江*,李姗姗,周露莎,等.基于随机行动者模型的在线医疗社区用户关系网络动态演化研究[J].情报学报, 2017, 36(2):213-220.

4.吴江*,周露莎.网络健康信息服务用户购买决策的影响因素研究[J].情报学报, 2017, 36(10):1058-1065.

5.吴江*,侯绍新,靳萌萌,胡忠义.基于LDA模型特征选择的在线医疗社区文本分类及用户聚类研究[J].情报学报, 2017, 36(11):1183-1191.


7. Jiang Wu, Distributions of scientific funding across universities and research disciplines. Journal of Informetrics, 2015, 9(1): 183-196

8. Jiang Wu, Jin Miao, Xiu-hao Ding. Diversity of Individual Research Disciplines in Scientific Funding. Scientometrics, 2015, 103(2): 669-686

9. Yan Xu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu*, Jianhua Zhang (2014), Nonlinear analysis on the cooperation of strategic alliances using stochastic catastrophe theory, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 400:100-108.

10. Jiang Wu, Xiu-Hao Ding (2013), Author Name Disambiguation in Scientific Collaboration and Mobility Cases, Scientometrics, 96(3): 683-697.

11. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang (2013), Maximizing the Performance of Advertisements Diffusion: A Simulation Study of the Dynamics of Viral Advertising in Social Networks, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(8): 921-934.

12. Jiang Wu (2013), Investigating the Universal Distributions of Normalized Indicators and Developing Field-Independent Index, Journal of Informetrics, 7(1), 63-71.

13. Jiang Wu (2013), Geographical knowledge diffusion and spatial diversity citation rank, Scientometrics, 94(1): 181-201.

14. Hou Zhu, Bin Hu, Jiang Wu, Xiaolin Hu (2013). Adaptation of Cultural Norms after Merger and Acquisition Based on Heterogeneous Agent-Based Relative-Agreement Model. Simulation: Society of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 89(12):1523-1537.

15. Camille Roth, Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano (2012), Assessing impact and quality from local dynamics of citation networks, Journal of Informetrics, 6(1): 111-120.

16. Jiang Wu, Sergi Lozano, Dirk Helbing (2011), Empirical Study of Growth Dynamics in Real Career H-index Sequences, Journal of Informetrics,5(4), 489-497.

17. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Yu Zhang, Steve Hall, Catherine Spence, Kathleen M. Carley (2009), An Agent based Simulation Study for Exploring Organizational Adaptation, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 85(6), 397-413.

18. Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Jinlong Zhang (2008), Multi-agent Simulation of Group Behavior in E-Government Policy Decision, Journal of Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 16(10), 1571-1587.

19.吴江,胡斌,张金隆(2011),开源软件开发者和源代码管理的协调性网络分析实证研究,科研管理, 32(8):133-141.

20.吴江,胡斌,鲁耀斌(2010),实证驱动的信息系统扩散与组织互动模拟研究,管理科学学报,(10), 22-32.

21.吴江,胡斌,刘天印(2009),交互记忆系统影响人群与工作交互的模拟研究,管理科学, 22(1): 48-58.

22.吴江,胡斌(2009),信息化与群体行为互动的多智能体模拟,系统工程学报, 24(2): 218-225.


1. (主持)中组部青年拔尖人才计划项目,电子商务内容关系互动演化机制与平行管理研究

2. (主持)国家自科面上项目,内容关系互动下的在线医疗社区用户行为演化研究

3. (主持)国家自科面上项目,创新2.0超网络中知识流动和群集交互的协同研究

4. (主持)国家自科青年基金,基于贝叶斯网络和演化博弈的社会化媒体信息传播建模与模拟

5. (主持)武汉大学校内自主科研项目,网络嵌入视角的互联网企业生态系统研究

6. (主持)博士后特别资助,数据驱动的信息传播建模和仿真以及在社会化营销中的应用

7. (主持)博士后面上基金,基于社会网络移动商务联盟组织生态性研究

8. (参与)欧盟第七框架项目,QLectives互联网群体协作机制研究

9. (参与)国家自科面上项目,基于系统模拟、心理学和突变论的企业管理组织性能测试研究

10. (参与)国家自科面上项目,基于集成模拟理论与方法的人群-工作互动机制研究

11. (参与)国家自然科学基金重点课题,移动商务的基础理论与技术方法