序号 |
名称 |
完成人 |
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1 |
Managing e-government implementation in China: A process perspective.Information & Management 46 (2009) 203–2121/4(SCI、SSCI收录期刊) |
张金隆 |
2009 |
2 |
Procurement of agricultural products using the CPFR approach. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,2009,(4) : 253–258(SCI、SSCI收录期刊) |
张金隆 |
2009 |
3 |
An novel approach to supplier selection based on vague sets group decision.Expert systems with applications36(2009)9557-9563(SCI、SSCI收录期刊) |
张金隆 |
2009 |
4 |
A multidimensional and hierarchical model of mobile service quality. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Vol.8 (2009)(SCI、SSCI收录期刊) |
鲁耀斌 |
2009 |
5 |
An Agent-based Simulation Study for Exploring Organizational Adaptation Simulation. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2009, 85(6): 397-413(SCI、SSCI收录期刊) |
胡 斌 |
2009 |
6 |
The Relative Importance of Website Design Quality and Service Quality in Determining Consumers' Online Repurchase Behavior. Information Systems Management,26(4): 327-337(SCI、SSCI收录期刊) |
鲁耀斌 |
2009 |
7 |
Information Security: User Precautions vis-à-vis Enforcement against Attackers. Journal of Management Information Systems,Vol. 26 No. 2, Fall 2009,pp.97-122(SCI、SSCI收录期刊) |
汪秋泓 |
2009 |
8 |
Exploring Chinese users’ acceptance of instant messaging using the theory of planned behavior, the technology acceptance model, and the flow theory。Computers in Human Behavior.2009 Vol.25, No.1:29-39。(SSCI收录期刊) |
鲁耀斌 |
2009 |
9 |
Understanding Chinese enterprises' adoption of enterprise short message services: combining IDT and TTF。International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2009,Vol.12,No.2:192-215。(EI收录) |
鲁耀斌 |
2009 |
10 |
基于交易成本理论的IT外包风险控制策略研究综述.管理学报, 2009,6(1):126-134 |
张金隆 |
2009 |